Todays guest is acupuncturist and spiritual advisor Catherine.
What is the difference in philosophy between Eastern and Western Medicine?
Catherine feels the primary difference is in Chinese (Eastern) Medicine focuses on finding the origin of the problem, whereas Western Medicine focuses on the symptoms - as a result Chinese medicine tends to be a more long-term solution as it has dealt with the root cause. People don’t realize that a major health issue that arises has been coming for a long time, and their body has been trying to repair itself all along - Chinese Medicine is very effective for balancing people.
Specifically how does Acupuncture help people?
Catherine sometimes regards Acupuncture as a ‘Circuit Trace’ - an acupuncture chart that has all the lines and intersections (or Meridians) on it is quite like looking at an electric circuit. The approach of Acupuncture is to determine the points in the body where problems are arising, and to dial up or dial down the energy movements at these points to regulate the body functions. Both Western and Eastern medicine agree that energy movement are electrical signals between the major organs of the body.
How do Emotional issues manifest themselves, and how are they treated?
One of the first things that happens is an emotional reaction is that you automatically jump into a fight or flight mode. The problem with anxiety is that there is no physical threat and your brain puts you into fight or flight mode, and you’re stuck - but there is no threat, and therefore no resolution. Acupuncture and Meditation treatment can be combined here to treat very successfully. Meditation is very effective to bring the mind to a more settled place here. The brain builds bridges and reinforces positive or negative thoughts, and if you keep returning to the positive and reminding yourself that the negative is not where you really are it can be a very effective treatment.
What about the Acupuncture experience itself?
A lot of people’s fear of needles when it comes to Acupuncture is simply a mindset. The needles are very fine, they are not hollow, and they are solid and nothing like a hypodermic needle. The sensation of a sprained ankle slowly relieving can be compared to the sensation that acupuncture brings as it slowly starts to relive the pressure in the affected part of the body. Often tingles in the body can be felt as energy moves around - but it is totally normal. If people’s expectations can be managed and reassurance given that the sensations experienced are normal, it can be quite a straightforward and rewarding experience.
How does the muscle release work?
Acupuncture comes into play when no amount of conscious effort to let a muscle relax is working. Using a specific treatment involving trigger points, a practitioner will find the points where the muscle is constricted and won’t let go and causing pain patterns, insert a needle and cause the muscle to get to the point where it releases. In the case of emotional conditions - which are caused by a muscle retaining emotion - it’s necessary to ask the question if the tension is released, can you let go of the emotion behind it. This is why Catherine also does spiritual advice as well to treat both the physical and emotional effects of treatment. Patience and perseverance is required.
Is health a practice?
When you say you meditate you say ‘I practice’ meditation, just like Yoga, Ball games etc… why would your health be any different? You practice feeling and being healthy. Nothing that lasts is a quick fix - you must practice continuously.
Can Acupuncture benefit healing of old existing injuries?
Acupuncture can thread under a scar and break up scar tissue and cause blood flow to flow through and help to heal. On a bigger scale part of scarring is not just an external component, it can be internal that can limit peoples ability to move. Whereas the scar tissue is easy to breakup, the mental component of the injury is not. Acupuncture can release muscle tension, but it is also an energetic shift, which can break up the emotional scar. It can get to the bottom of whether an issue is physical or if it’s actually only in your head.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“You’re not a drop in the ocean, you’re the entire ocean in one drop” – Rumi. Its not strictly advice. Catherine has had deep meditative experiences where she did not ‘leave her body’ per say, but had the experience of separation where her skin tricked her into believing that she had. The best advice she was give was thus experience of experiencing ‘Boundary - lessness’ and the feeling that she was part of everything. Its very hard in the world we live in with the realities of everyday life to realize that with all the boundaries we set up for ourselves that we really are without boundary. If you can really let yourself go and believe in this it is an incredibly liberating experience - this is why that quote “You’re not a drop in the ocean, you’re the entire ocean in one drop” means so much to Catherine.
Catherine’s Contact number - 917 941 8423 and this is the best way to contact her either by text of email.
Joanna Lindenbaum is an entrepreneur, a business coach who helps women expand and grow their business while growing their sacred self. She shares her personal story of how she came to this realization when she started her own business.
What is your sacred self?
Being an entrepreneur, it’s great to go for it but people don’t often realize is the moment you really truly commit to being an entrepreneur that is authentic that moves forward with integrity—that ultimately becomes successful. There is no true way to do those things if you only focus on marketing and operations
What’s needed alongside the marketing, operations and branding, is to get to the deeper layers of you.
To work on the fears that come up around visibility, value, and deserving. If you don’t work on holding yourself more sacred an own your value even more, all of the marketing formula’s in the world aren’t going to work for you. The best way to move forward in your business is to also grow your sacred self.
What are ways we can access deeper layers of ourselves?
The natural response to a fear is to run away from it or judge it, hate it, etc. But when we reject the fear, the fear festers. Inside every fear is deep learning and opportunity. The best thing to do is to befriend it. How is it showing up? Where did it come from? When did I start having it?
Joanna’s story of becoming a transformational leader:
Joanna was hiding in her headshots and was unaware that her fear of visibility was hindering the success of her business. She was hiding her brilliance and as she thought more about it she could see how she didn’t want to be seen. Even though she was waking up every taking action. She wasn’t gaining the tracking that she actually could have. As she took herself on this journey to healing she learned a lot of tools that she uses with her clients.
How to facilitate as a transformational leader?
Other than that, she is best known for is to support entrepreneurs to become better facilitators. She says entrepreneurs in general are good at what they do one on one but if they are supposed to facilitate a group, they do not have the training. She teaches them how to be in front of the group and how to be dynamic, to make sure they can engage the group. One of the tools she teaches in facilitation techniques is to create a tight container, which actually means making sure people feel connected in a group
Joanna’s ‘Your Sacred Business’ program revolves around the whole concept of marketing and teaches you ways to attract client in the nascent phases of your business. Joanna believes people aren’t’ properly trained to market and she helps them market their talents and skills in a way that is aligned with their sacred self.
How can we connect with her?
Today’s guest is Tatiana Amico who is a health coach and her passion is helping busy mama’s realize that they deserve to be healthy and happy and how to start taking care of themselves finally. She spent years basically as a professional dieter with no clue what she was doing and constantly making excuses. She knew she needed to take care of her to give her body and mind the care it deserved. So she spent time researching, learning and gaining as much knowledge as she could and then put it into action. Bam, her life changed and it happened. She became happy and healthy and fit. She learned to take care of herself and in turn she has been better able to take care of her family. Tatiana helps you through education and actual steps and makes it simple. In today’s episode we discuss important information and motivation and guidance and the necessary support and accountability to stop wishing and start doing what works and lasts.
Who Tatiana Works With
Tatiana works with women, mainly moms, who are saying they really don’t want to do another diet. They want to wake up every morning knowing what to do, having energy, feeling peace, being confident and not getting stressed out about what they are going to eat. These are the ones that are really ready and want to change their lives and show their kids what health is and be an example to them.
What a healthy eating day looks like for Tatiana
She usually starts her day with a green smoothie. It’s easy to jam pack nutrition and make it super quick. Start small with something like spinach and work your way up to kale. She doesn’t do dairy so non-dairy yogurt, coconut water or something like that and a high quality supplement. Then add nut butter or avocado and blend that up and you’re good to go.
Tatiana is vegan so she eats nothing with animal products. She will eat oatmeal with berries or lentils which she will make in batches and frozen vegetables. She eats simply so she makes big batches of stuff and throws it in a bowl and heats it up.
She tries to get a salad in but if she can’t she will have another green smoothie. Dinner might be tacos made from corn tortillas, lentils, salsa and a guac loaded with veggies.
Tony Robbins says, “complexity is the enemy of execution.” We tend to think we have to make this huge, complicated change when really it’s about keeping things simple so you can execute it. Keeping it simple makes it so much easier.
What Tatiana’s four year old eats
He’s obsessed with apples and almond butter but he will have oatmeal, berries, rice & beans from Chipotle. She gets Ezekiel bread and he likes that with coconut oil and veggies.
The first step to helping someone
The first step is getting them to really think about what it is that they want. Who is the woman that you want to be in a month, six months or a year? Dig deep into the why and visualize that woman, that bad ass lady that you want to be. Who is she? How does she feel? Then we need to take action. Write it down and remind yourself everyday who you’re going for.
The second step is educating and giving them the tools they need to do this. A lot of this is mindset stuff. This isn’t just about eating right and exercise there’s so much more to it.
What’s the best advice you’ve been given?
The biggest thing is to be you and not compare yourself to others. It’s easy to look at the person on the magazine or something and say why can’t I be like her. But we’re all different and you don’t know her story. Be you, do what you need to do and focus on that. Use others as inspiration but just do your thing. You’re on your journey and others are on their journey.
My guest today is Genavieve Shingle Jaffe. She is a lawyer by profession and shares her story of how she switched from working in a corporate law firm to starting her own business. She believes her athleticism and the fact that she was once a nationally competitive gymnast helped her a lot in her entrepreneurial journey. Genavieve believes one learns work ethic when you are an athlete and she believes this work ethic has helped her tremendously to be an entrepreneur. We ask about her experiences of being a gymnast, how it has been like to be an entrepreneur.
How does it feel like to be a gymnast?
Genavieve says it is a tough sport both physically and mentally. Many a times you are putting yourself in positions and doing moves, which are actually scary. You feel like your life is on the line when you are flying above in the air all the time. She believes mental strength is very important for a gymnast, learning to get back up every time you fall, that is what keeps you motivated.
When did she make the decision of becoming a gymnast?
Genavieve says she was only six years old when she started attending the classes and when she was 12 years old, she had to choose between gymnastics and other sports. She made this decision of choosing gymnastics at that time.
How difficult was it to give up her job and be an entrepreneur?
Genavieve thinks it was a hard decision as it was a big financial decision. She was making a handsome amount of money through her job and had that security and stability. She knew she could make more money being an entrepreneur but it was a huge risk.
How did the entrepreneurial journey start?
Genavieve met her wife Jordana in 2013. Jordana was herself an entrepreneur her entire career. She asked Genavieve if she ever thought of having her own business and Genavieve reply was a straight “NO”. With the passage of time, Genavieve saw for herself how amazing Jordana’s life was and not that it was easy but she loved what she was doing. Genavieve was inspired by the fact that Jordana was helping many other women through her entrepreneurial work. Genavieve got extremely sick in December 2013 and could not go to her job for weeks. That is when decided she could not do it anymore, so she left her job and embarked on her new journey of entrepreneurship.
Whom does Genavieve serve? How does she help them?
She works with online business owners, mostly with women. She provides legal assistance to her clients, protects their brand, help them grow. She believes many entrepreneurs really do not understand the legal side of their business, which is very important. Genavieve thinks she acts as a bridge and helps them work while they are fully assisted in legal department.
What is her advice for new startups?
Genavieve says that almost every startup has a website these days and one must have three legal documents for their website. They are the following:
1) Disclaimer
2) Terms and Conditions
3) Privacy Policy
These documents protect your liability, the content of your website, the information people share with you on your website.
How can we connect with her?
You can connect with her through her website. Following is the URL
Her website contains all the important information. Her legal course is available on the website. All the contracts and templates she sells are available on her website.
Caroline Zwickson is a women’s health coach and specifically helps women on issues related to pregnancy. Caroline shares her story of how she came to USA from Germany at the age of 16 and why she decided to stay in USA. We ask how she thinks her life changed by staying in USA and how it led to her becoming a women’s life and fertility coach.
When she was 16, she came to USA as a part of an exchange program. Caroline was an exchange student and was to study for one year in USA. It was difficult for Caroline to make this transition of going from a small town in Germany to a city in USA. She had to adjust to this lifestyle. The way people communicated, the way they made friends, everything was different, so it was a difficult adjustment for Caroline.
What made her stay in USA?
There were various reasons involved in her decision to stay in USA. In Germany, an individual goes to high school for 13 years, in USA it is 12 years. Caroline saw this as an opportunity to complete her high school one year earlier if she would stay in USA. She knew she could cut out one year by not going back and so she stayed. She also felt American educational system was better than German educational system because it allowed her to think openly, share her ideas and opinions. Another thing that had an influence was sports. She felt like sports for girls was actually cherished in USA unlike Germany.
How did she choose this path?
After graduating from Boston College with a major in International studies and minor in health studies, Caroline felt like she should be more involved with study related to human health and body. Her father was a doctor, her mother was a doctor and this was one fact that heavily influenced her decision to start studying medical studies in University of Columbia, New York. Caroline’s health deteriorated over the course of next few months, she went back to Germany, was operated for two herniated discs and that is when she realized medical studies was not meant for her. She ended up getting her masters in counselling psychology.
Caroline’s own struggle with hormonal health, her period and fertility.
Caroline was 29 when she first felt this resistance of using that birth control pill she had been using for year which was supposed to save her from getting pregnant unwantedly. She decided not to consume the pill and see how her body would react. Surprisingly nothing happened, her period was nowhere in sight. She was advised by her OBGYN to go back on birth control. Caroline did not like the idea and for the first time in 15 years started looking for natural and holistic ways to bring her body back into balance and support it in re-learning what every female body naturally wants to do and is designed to do: have a regular period and be fertile. Caroline spent the next two years searching and trying out different things including nutrition and lifestyle changes as well as learning how to chart her cycle to get back into a somewhat regular menstrual rhythm. This is when she got pregnant, just a few days after her wedding.
How does she help other women?
Caroline says she understand the worries, fears, and frustrations when it comes to hormonal balancing and the desire for children. From her own work as a life coach, Caroline has further observed how stress, denial of your own powers and passions, and lifestyle choices can take their toll on women's hormonal health. She says knowing firsthand how sensitive and complex our reproductive system is and functions, she began to educate herself in women's holistic and hormonal health and how to approach the mind-body system naturally. She know first-hand that this is an ever-growing concern in ever-younger women and she is committed to helping women solve this "scary" issue with confidence and calmness. You can find more about how she works and helps by visiting her website. The URL for website is at the bottom of show notes.
What are Caroline’s views on birth control pills?
Caroline says she personally would not be using birth control pills anymore. She thinks it does not perfectly go with her body. The affects these pills have on your body cannot be ignored. Nevertheless, Caroline says the effects of such pills vary from person to person and have actually helped women a lot to take charge of that part of their life they were not able to take charge before. She advises women to make sure they have enough knowledge about the pills before they start using them and how the pills interact with the body. You should also look for signs from your body and figure out if the pills suits your body.
How we can connect with Caroline?
Website contains blog posts that you can read. It also has a free workbook that can be used for women who are thinking of becoming pregnant in the next couple of years.