Over the past 15 years, I have been studying how to manage the mind. In this episode, I talk about:
Gina Molinari is an online marketing strategist and public speaking Coach. She helps people confidently communicate themselves and their businesses, so they can make a massive impact with their work. Her unique background as a classically-trained singer.. gives her an edge with helping people communicate with confidence. She is a graduate of the Facilitator in Training program through Next Level Trainings and obsessed with personal and professional development.
What sparked your passion for communication?
Gina’s original dream from a young age was to be an opera singer. For the longest time, however, she was on the fence about turning her passion for singing into a profession. She truly loved performing—she just couldn’t imagine doing it for a living. Gina got to the point where she realized that she needed to reevaluate her life plan. She tried tackling the business side of the arts by pursuing a Masters Degree in Arts Administration. Even here, however, Gina still felt as if she didn’t belong. At this point, she decided that she had to take a step back and discover what satisfied her on a deeper level beyond singing or the arts. After a lot of soul searching, Gina came to the conclusion that her true passion was communication and connection. She loved influencing others by sending meaningful messages. Singing certainly did that; but for Gina, the sense of fulfillment she experienced was less about the performance and more on how it impacted her audience.
How did your interest in communication and connection lead to your becoming a coach?
Now that Gina had discovered her true passion, she dug deeper and realized that she loved the psychology of language underlying human communication. She found satisfaction in uncovering deeper meanings within other people’s conversations by honing in on the details: the words, tonality, and body language that people use when they communicate. The way you communicate is, according to Gina, “a red flag into your psyche.”
What happened to your level of confidence after deciding you wanted to be a coach?
Gina’s confidence soared once she discovered her life’s purpose. All the guilt she had previously felt for pivoting so much in the past disappeared. It also helps that Gina is in the business of improving the confidence of others via leadership development and nurturing one’s emotional intelligence. Gina surmised that every failure or “dead-end” she had experienced up until that point was only leading her closer to uncovering her passion for communication. In other words, she changed her mindset around what these past experiences meant to her. Instead of “failure”, Gina thinks of these experiences as “market research”. In other words, waiting until you become successful is not the key to confidence. Instead, staying consistent with doing the work it takes to reach your goal—failures and all—inspires confidence within you by default.
How did you come to the realization that success is in your control?
There’s this idea in emotional intelligence work that you get to take responsibility for everything in your life. This includes taking responsibility for failure, but it doesn’t mean that you need to feel guilty. Instead, this means that, while you can’t always control the outcome of something, you can always control your response to it. The bottom line is: “It’s always my choice.” Don’t blame “lack of time” for your failures, either. Blame your lack of priorities, instead. You, and only you, can choose to prioritize those things that will make you successful.
What made you decide to prioritize your health and lose weight?
Gina learned that her business would mean nothing if she didn’t take care of herself. Once she prioritized her health, everything else followed. By focusing on this one thing, Gina had renewed energy to tackle every other priority down her list. An accountability group also makes a huge difference! Finally, confidence through consistency once again plays a part here. Results may not be as quick as you want; but it helps to look back and see how much has improved since you started. It all paid off for Gina: She lost 60 pounds.
Website: https://www.ginamolinari.com/
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From the outside looking in, Felicia managed to create a life that may have seemed perfect picture on the outside - a husband, 2 kids, house and a well-paid job in corporate America. But somewhere along the way, she lost herself in all of these masks; Mother, Wife, Career Woman, Provider, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and had no clear identity anymore. She began making choices that were so far removed from her and somewhere in between infidelity, death, heartache…she felt like she had lost everything and that was her awakening. She needed to know what life is truly about and what her true purpose was. She was divinely guided to her first-ever Medium, who pretty much described her purpose as she is living it today. She got trained in Akashic records, left Goldman Sachs and Sakred Soul was born.
Recently she launched the IamMoveMeant, which is a community of individuals who are READY to move out of being "stuck" in life. Felicia’s story of transformation is captivating. In this episode, we talk about how to move into your higher self, evolve, and how she awakens to her soul’s work. If you haven’t subscribed to the Profit with Purpose show, make sure you hit subscribe.
What happened after having it all?
We forget whom we are after having kids, being a wife and having a career and that is where Felicia found herself in. She went outside her marriage trying to look for who she was and made choices that she’s not proud of. She cried for the loss of her lover and herself and was looking for her purpose. She was lost and grieving when she found a medium where she sat down for 15 minutes with her guide and got all the answers she was looking for. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, souls that come back time and time again. She found that the individual she had an affair with, brought her spiritual awakening in his death.
What no longer works for her?
We are here to evolve as spiritual beings and everything that we go through we grow. It is necessary to understand that we have to nurture ourselves the same way we would nurture our children by not talking negatively about ourselves. Take the struggles as a growth opportunity. Watch your thoughts and what we are doing from the inside. It is important to differentiate between your ego or higher self.
What is the difference between ego and higher self?
She recognized her higher self over her ego when she was going through struggles. She worked with a shaman one on one for three months and came to her space fast while experiencing many things from the spiritual world. She shifted into consciousness through visions as she trusted the whole process. She joined a course and worked with people. She then read her shaman which translated into working with clients. She quit her job to do what she had learned because she had found love in the spiritual word- The Sakred Soul three years ago. It was a fast but sure journey- she found her purpose.
What involves a reading?
She reads people at the soul level by looking at how the soul was created from origination. She helps people realize who they were and connect with that person.
How to discover your purpose?
The first thing you should do in the morning is meditation- go within yourself for self-awareness. Pay attention to yourself and pick up on your emotions. The human experience focuses on the physical but the most important one is the soul which we tend to forget- but its discovery creates harmony.
What happened with her husband after all the changes?
She was able to talk about everything and how she was sorry for what had happened. He saw her and understood why things happened the way they did, which is where forgiveness came in. He forgave her before she knew how to forgive herself. Always keep in mind that secrets cause blockages from what we want in life within ourselves just like shame.
What is it that she sees about people?
Things come to her intuitively. She picks things on the surface and only goes deeper when she has permission from a person. Paying attention to what your higher self is saying is crucial. The higher self whispers the things you should be doing as compared to the ego which punches. Start doing it consciously by being tuned in and know exactly what you want.
What is the best advice she’s ever been given?
Always remember that it’s your spiritual being having a human experience. Remember to put your mind, body, spirit, and soul together- stop forgetting the soul.
Relevant Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakred_soul/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FeliciaHindsPatrick/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sakred_soul
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